AE脚本:要求AE CC 2019或者更高版本,脚本形式,可视化,需要什么转场效果点击生成即可,使用很方便简单
AE模板:要求AE CS6或者更高版本,AEP工程文件,所有的动画元素都在一个工程里面
Premium Builder extension requires After Effects CC.2019
Before Installing the ZXP file, open AE 2019 Preferences/Scripting & Expressions/
and check the “Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network”
- Installation:
- Extract the dowloaded .zip file from videohive.
- Go to zxpinstaller.com
- Download & instal the ZXP installer
- Run ZXPInstaller.
- Drag the “Magazine_Builder.zxp”file to the ZXPinstaller window and wait until the installation is completed.
- Manual Installation
- Rename the “Magazine_Builder.zxp”to “Magazine_Builder.zip”
- Extract the .zip file
- Move the extracted “Magazine_Builder”folder accordingly:
- If you are a user of Windows:Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\com.Pixamins.MagazineBuilder
- If you are a user of MacOS:Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/com.Pixamins.MagazineBuilder