这套视频素材专为希望为其项目增添复古外观特色的创作者而设计。是迄今为止您将找到的最美丽的4K胶片扫描。使用Super 8、16mm,柯达和View-Master相机来提供市场上最好的覆盖层。性能,颗粒,噪音,闪烁,烧伤,涂鸦等。
OREGON is exclusively made for creators looking to add a characteristic vintage look to their projects.These are by far the most beautiful 4K film scans you will ever find. We used Super 8, 16mm, Kodak, and View-Master cameras to provide the best overlays available on the market. Perfs, Grains, Noises, Flashes, Burns, Scribbles, & more.